Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Fall 2014 (EECS) (Math) Grid Version (Spring 2014) (Fall 2013) (Spring 2013) (Other Semesters)
Scott Aaronson: 6.845: Quantum Complexity Theory, Wed. 2-5pm (34-301)
Bonnie Berger: (not teaching)
Constantinos Daskalakis: 6.046J/18.410: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Tues./Thurs. 11am-12:30pm (26-100).
Erik Demaine: 6.890 Algorithmic Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs, Tues./Thurs. 3:30-5pm (34-303).
Alan Edelman: (not teaching)
Michel Goemans: (not teaching)
Shafi Goldwasser: (not teaching)
Piotr Indyk: 6.893 Special topics: Algorithms and Signal Processing, Mon./Wed. 12:30-2pm (34-301).
David Karger: 6.854J/18.415: Advanced Algorithms, Mon./Wed./Fri. 2:30-4pm (32-155).
Jon Kelner: (not teaching)
Tom Leighton: 6.042J/18.062: Mathematics for Computer Science, Tues./Thurs. 2:30-4pm (32-123).
Charles Leiserson: 6.172: Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fri. 10am-12pm (3-370).
Nancy Lynch: 6.852J/18.437: Distributed Algorithms, Tues./Thurs. 11am-12:30pm (4-237) and 6.S899 Distributed Graph Algorithms*, Fri. 11am-12:30pm (4-145)
Albert Meyer: 6.UAT Preparation for UAP, Thurs. 4-5pm (32-123), Mon. 3-4pm (32-082), and Monday 4-5pm (32-082).
Silvio Micali: 6.006:Introduction to Algorithms, Tues./Thurs. 11am-12pm (54-100).
Ankur Moitra: 6.042J/18.062: Mathematics for Computer Science, Tues./Thurs. 2:30-4pm (32-123).
Dana Moshkovitz: 6.046J/18.410: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Tues./Thurs. 11am-12:30pm (26-100).
Ron Rivest: 6.S897/17.S952: Elections and Voting Technology, Tues./Thurs. 2:30-4pm (34-301).
Ronitt Rubinfeld: (not teaching)
Nir Shavit: (not teaching)
Peter Shor: 18.310: Principles of Applied Mathematics, Mon./Wed./Fri. 12-1pm (4-163).
Mike Sipser: 6.840J/18.404: Theory of Computation, Tues./Thurs. 2:30-4pm (E25-111).
Madhu Sudan: (not teaching)
Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.006: Introduction to Algorithms, Tues./Thurs. 11am-12pm (54-100).
*Note: Other instructors for this course include Mohsen Ghaffari (PhD student) and Dr. Stephan Holzer.