Who is Teaching What in TOC Spring 2024

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) (Updated Subject Info)

Bonnie Berger: 6.874/802 Computational Functional Genomics 

Konstantinos Daskalakis: Not teaching this semester

Erik Demaine: 6.1200 Mathematics for Computer Science

Alan Edelman: Not teaching this semester

Mohsen Ghaffari: 6.1210 Intro to Algorithms

Shafi Goldwasser: Not teaching this semester

Sam Hopkins: 6.1210 Intro to Algorithms

Piotr Indyk: 6.5320 Geometric Computing

Yael Kalai: 6.5610 Network & Computer Security

David Karger: Not teaching this semester

Jon Kelner: 18.600 Probability and Random Variables

Tom Leighton: Not teaching this semester

Charles Leiserson: Not teaching this semester

Nancy Lynch: 6.120A Discrete Mathematics and Proofs for Computer Science

Aleksander Madry: Not teaching this semester

Silvio Micali: Not teaching this semester

Dor Minzer: 6.1400J Automata, Computability and Complexity

Ankur Moitra: 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics

Anand Natarajan: 6.S895 Quantum Cryptography

Ron Rivest: Not teaching this semester

Ronitt Rubinfeld: Not teaching this semester

Nir Shavit: 6.5080/1 Multicore Programming

Peter Shor: 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics

Julian Shun: 6.5060 Algorithm Engineering 

Mike Sipser: Not teaching this semester

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.S895 Quantum Cryptography

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams: 6.1220J Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Ryan Williams: 6.5410J Advanced Complexity Theory


Zachary Abel: 6.1200J Math for Computer Science, 6.120A Discrete Mathematics and Proofs for Computer Science

Brynmor Chapman:  6.1200J Math for Computer Science , 6.1210 Introduction to Algorithms

Srini Raghuraman: 6.1220J Design and Analysis of Algorithms