Who Is Teaching What in ToC (Spring 2025)

EECS: Courses Offered | Course Catalog | Special Subjects || Mathematics: Courses Offered | Course Catalog

Instructor Course Number Course Name Lecture (Room)
Bonnie Berger 6.8710/1J / 18.S997 Computational Systems Biology:
Deep Learning in the Life Sciences
TR12.30-2 (10-250)
Costis Daskalakis 6.S982 Diffusion Models:
From Theory to Practice
W2-5 (26-210)
Erik Demaine 6.5310 Geometric Folding Algorithms:
Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra
TR11-12.30 (32-082)
Alan Edelman not teaching this semester
Mohsen Ghaffari not teaching this semester
Michel Goemans not teaching this semester
Shafi Goldwasser not teaching this semester
Sam Hopkins 6.1210 Introduction to Algorithms TR11-12.30 (26-100)
Piotr Indyk 6.1220J / 18.410J Design & Analysis of Algorithms TR11-12.30 (32-123)
Yael Tauman Kalai 6.5610 Applied Cryptography MW11-12.30 (6-120)
David Karger 6.4500 Design for the Web:
Languages & User Interfaces
MWF2.30-4 (66-168)
Jonathan Kelner 6.1220J / 18.410J Design & Analysis of Algorithms TR11-12.30 (32-123)
Tom Leighton not teaching this semester
Charles Leiserson not teaching this semester
Kuikui Liu 6.7720J / 15.070J / 18.619J Discrete Probability & Stochastic Processes MW2.30-4 (E25-111)
Nancy Lynch not teaching this semester
Aleksander Madry not teaching this semester
Albert Meyer not teaching this semester
Silvio Micali not teaching this semester
Dor Minzer 6.5410J / 18.405J Advanced Complexity Theory TR11-12.30 (4-163)
Ankur Moitra not teaching this semester
Anand Natarajan 6.1210 Introduction to Algorithms TR11-12.30 (26-100)
Ronald Rivest not teaching this semester
Ronitt Rubinfeld 6.1200J / 18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science TR2.30-4 (26-100)
Nir Shavit 6.8120 Tissue vs. Silicon in Machine Learning W10-1 (48-316)
Peter Shor 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics MWF2 (2-190)
Julian Shun not teaching this semester
Michael Sipser not teaching this semester
Vinod Vaikuntanathan 6.1200J / 18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science TR2.30-4 (26-100)
Virginia Vassilevska Williams 6.5350 Matrix Multiplication & Graph Algorithms TR11-12.30 (45-102)
Ryan Williams 6.1400J / 18.400J Computability & Complexity Theory TR2.30-4 (34-304)
Zachary Abel 6.1200J / 18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science TR2.30-4 (26-100)
Brynmor Chapman 6.1210 Introduction to Algorithms TR11-12.30 (26-100)
Srinivasan Raghuraman 6.1220J / 18.410J Design & Analysis of Algorithms TR11-12.30 (32-123)