
Theory Graduating Students Day
Fri, 02/27/2015

Lunch will be served at 12:00pm in D 463 (Star) followed by 4 great talks.  Please join in this wonderful celerbration.

Silvio Micali named associate department head of EECS
Mon, 02/02/2015

In CSAIL news, Silvio Micali named associate department head of EECS



Ronitt Rubinfeld Awarded ACM Fellow!
Thu, 01/08/2015

Ronitt Rubinfeld from TOC, one of five CSAIL researchers, was awarded as ACM Fellow!

Dor Minzer awarded ACM Dissertation Award
Thu, 01/01/2015


Nancy Lynch, Muriel Medard, and Viveck Cadambe Received Best Paper Award at IEEE NCA 2014!
Wed, 12/17/2014
 Nancy Lynch, Muriel Medard, and Viveck Cadambe Received Best Paper Award at IEEE NCA 2014!
Madhu Sudan Earns 2014 INFOSYS Prize for Mathematical Sciences!
Mon, 11/24/2014

The Infosys Prize 2014 in Mathematical Sciences is awarded to Professor Madhu Sudan.  See Infosys article; see CSAIL article.

Charles River Crypto Day: Dec 5 @ BU
Tue, 11/18/2014

Please join us for the next installment of the Charles River Crypto Day on Friday, December 5 at Boston University. The schedule is below. 

Exhibition: Programming Materials: Customized for Self-Folding
Thu, 11/13/2014
Programming Materials: Customized for Self-Folding

Speaker: Erik Demaine, Christopher Guberan, Skylar Tibbits

Time: 9:00a–6:00p

Location: 7-408, Keller Gallery


This Week Events

Week of February 23, 2025

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