Bonnie Berger Appointed the Simons Professor of Mathematics! Thu, 09/08/2016 July 21, 2016 - from MIT Mathematics Department News Site. |
5th Annual Daniel Lewin Student Retreat is September 22-25! Tue, 09/06/2016 Annual TOC student retreat will be held in Lincoln, NH again this year at the Penguin Ski Club |
Hsin-Hao Su wins Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award! Thu, 07/07/2016 Hsin-Hao Su, postdoctoral associate in the TOC group, won the 2016 Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award for his Ph.D. |
Vinod Vaikunathan wins EECS Ruth and Joel Spira Teaching Award Mon, 06/13/2016 Vinod wins EECS Ruth and Joel Spira Teachiing Award |
Nancy Lynch one of four MIT professors elected to National Academy of Sciences Tue, 05/03/2016 From MIT EECS News Site: Nancy Lynch elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences for research achievements.
Graduating Bits AND 25th Annual TOC Cookie Fest ! Thu, 04/28/2016 Today we celebrated graduating TOC students with a day we call "Graduating Bits" along with TOC's 25th Annual Cookie Fest! Stay tuned - photo's are coming soon. |
IBM Selects Arturs Backurs as 2016 IBM PhD Fellow Fri, 04/15/2016 From MIT EECS Website |
Google Names Ludwig Schmidt as 2016 PhD Fellow in Machine Learning Fri, 04/15/2016 From MIT EECS Website |