Who is Teaching What for past semesters

Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group (Spring 2024)

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) (Updated Subject Info)

Bonnie Berger: 6.874/802 Computational Functional Genomics 

Konstantinos Daskalakis: Not teaching this semester

Erik Demaine: 6.1200 Mathematics for Computer Science

Alan Edelman: Not teaching this semester

Mohsen Ghaffari: 6.1210 Intro to Algorithms

Shafi Goldwasser: Not teaching this semester

Sam Hopkins: 6.1210 Intro to Algorithms

Piotr Indyk: 6.5320 Geometric Computing

Yael Kalai: 6.5610 Network & Computer Security

David Karger: Not teaching this semester

Jon Kelner: 18.600 Probability and Random Variables

Tom Leighton: Not teaching this semester

Charles Leiserson: Not teaching this semester

Nancy Lynch: 6.120A Discrete Mathematics and Proofs for Computer Science

Aleksander Madry: Not teaching this semester

Silvio Micali: Not teaching this semester

Dor Minzer: 6.1400J Automata, Computability and Complexity

Ankur Moitra: 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics

Anand Natarajan: 6.S895 Quantum Cryptography

Ron Rivest: Not teaching this semester

Ronitt Rubinfeld: Not teaching this semester

Nir Shavit: 6.5080/1 Multicore Programming

Peter Shor: 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics

Julian Shun: 6.5060 Algorithm Engineering 

Mike Sipser: Not teaching this semester

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.S895 Quantum Cryptography

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams: 6.1220J Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Ryan Williams: 6.5410J Advanced Complexity Theory


Zachary Abel: 6.1200J Math for Computer Science, 6.120A Discrete Mathematics and Proofs for Computer Science

Brynmor Chapman:  6.1200J Math for Computer Science , 6.1210 Introduction to Algorithms

Srini Raghuraman: 6.1220J Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Fall 2021

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) (Updated Subject Info)

Bonnie Berger:  18.418 Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, MW, 11:30 - 1pm, Room 5-232.

Konstantinos Daskalakis: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 34-101. Recitation: F10 (3-442) or F3 (36-153) or F10 (36-156) or F11 (3-44236-156) or F12 (4-1594-149) or F1 (4-1594-149) or F2 (36-153) +final.

Erik Demaine: 6.009 Fundamentals of Programming, M, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100.  Lab: TBA Recitation: W9 (34-101) or W10 (34-101) or W11 (36-156, 4-149) or W12 (4-149, 4-231) or W1 (5-217, 3-270) or W2 (3-270, 56-154) or W3 (36-156) or W4 (4-231)

Alan Edelman: 18.338 Elgen Values of Random Matrices, MW, 3 - 4:30pm, Room 4-261.

Shafi Goldwasser: Not Teaching This Semester

Piotr Indyk: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 34-101. Recitation: F10 (3-442) or F3 (36-153) or F10 (36-156) or F11 (3-44236-156) or F12 (4-1594-149) or F1 (4-1594-149) or F2 (36-153) +final.

Yael Kalai:  6.S060 Foundation of Computer Security, MW, 11-12:30p, Room 36-153. Rec F11, 35-308; F3, room 35-308

David Karger: 6.854J Advanced Algorithms, MWF, 2:30-4pm, Room 32-123. Recitation TBA.

Jon Kelner: 18.600 Probability and Random Variables, MWF, 10 - 1130am, Room 54-100.

Tom Leighton:  Not Teaching this Semester

Charles Leiserson:  6.172 Software Performance Engineering, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 34-101. Lab: F10-12 (4-265) or F1-3 (34-302) or F3-5 (34-302) or F10-12 (36-155) or F1-3 (34-301) or F3-5 (34-301) or F3-5 (34-304)

Nancy Lynch: 6.S899 Brain Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 32-124.

Aleksander Madry: 6.S080 Data-Driven Decision Making and Society, TR, 11-12:30p, Room 54-100. Recitations F1, F2, F3 room 13-3101; Satisfies: EECS

Silvio Micali: Not Teaching this Semester

Dor Minzer: 18.434 Seminar in Theoretical Computer Science, TR, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 2-151.

Ankur Moitra: 6.S084 Special Subject in EECS, All other info TBA.

18.061 Linear Algebra and Optimization, MWF, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 4-370.

Anand Natarajan: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (34-30434-30234-303) or WF11 (34-30434-30234-303) or WF12 (34-30334-304) or WF1 (34-30435-310) or WF2 (35-31036-155) or WF3 (36-155) or WF4 (36-155) +final

Ron Rivest:  Not Teaching this Semester

Ronitt Rubinfeld:  6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (26-168) or WF11 (26-168) or WF12 (26-168) or WF1 (26-168) or WF2 (26-168) or WF3 (26-168) or WF10 (36-144) or WF11 (36-144) or WF12 (24-307) or WF1 (24-307) or WF2 (24-307) or WF3 (24-307) or WF11 (36-372) or WF12 (36-372) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166)

Nir Shavit: 6.881 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, W, 11-12:30pm, Room 3-442.

Peter Shor: 18.435J Quantum Computation, MWF, 1-2:30pm, Room 2-190.

Julian Shun: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (34-30434-30234-303) or WF11 (34-30434-30234-303) or WF12 (34-30334-304) or WF1 (34-30435-310) or WF2 (35-31036-155) or WF3 (36-155) or WF4 (36-155) +final

Mike Sipser: 6.840J Theory of Computation, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 54-100.  Recitation: F10 (26-322) or F11 (26-322) or F12 (36-144) or F1 (36-144) or F2 (36-144) +final

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.875J Cryptography & Cryptanalysis, MW, 1-2:30pm, Room 4-237.

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams: 6.890 Advanced Topics in Theoretical Computer Science, All other information TBA

Ryan Williams: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (26-168) or WF11 (26-168) or WF12 (26-168) or WF1 (26-168) or WF2 (26-168) or WF3 (26-168) or WF10 (36-144) or WF11 (36-144) or WF12 (24-307) or WF1 (24-307) or WF2 (24-307) or WF3 (24-307) or WF11 (36-372) or WF12 (36-372) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166)


Zachary Abel: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (26-168) or WF11 (26-168) or WF12 (26-168) or WF1 (26-168) or WF2 (26-168) or WF3 (26-168) or WF10 (36-144) or WF11 (36-144) or WF12 (24-307) or WF1 (24-307) or WF2 (24-307) or WF3 (24-307) or WF11 (36-372) or WF12 (36-372) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166)

Mauricio Karchmer: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 34-101. Recitation: F10 (3-442) or F3 (36-153) or F10 (36-156) or F11 (3-44236-156) or F12 (4-1594-149) or F1 (4-1594-149) or F2 (36-153) +final.

6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (34-30434-30234-303) or WF11 (34-30434-30234-303) or WF12 (34-30334-304) or WF1 (34-30435-310) or WF2 (35-31036-155) or WF3 (36-155) or WF4 (36-155) +final



Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Spring 2021

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) 

Bonnie Berger: 18.418J Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, MW, 11:30am-1:00pm, virtual.

Konstantinos Daskalakis: 6.853 Topics in Algorithmic Game Theory, WF, 1:00-2:30pm, virtual.

Erik Demaine: 6.851 Advanced Data Structures, M, 4:00-5:30pm, virtual.

Alan Edelman: 6.S083 Special Subject, Introduction to Computational Thinking for Real-World Problems, MW, 1:00-2:30, virtual.

Shafi Goldwasser:  Not teaching this semester

Piotr Indyk: 6.UAR Preperation for UG Research, TBA

Yael Kalai:  6.857 Network & Computer Security, MWF, 11:00-12:30, virtual. Recitation: F11 (VIRTUAL)

David Karger: 6.856J Randomized Algorihms, MWF, 2:30-4:00, virtual.

Jon Kelner:  6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30, virtual.  Recitation: F10 (VIRTUAL) or F11 (VIRTUAL) or F12 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) or F2 (VIRTUAL) or F3 (VIRTUAL) or F11 (VIRTUAL) or F12 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) or F EVE (9 PM) (VIRTUAL) +final

Tom Leighton: Not teaching this semester

Charles Leiserson:  6.S083 Special Subject in EECS, MW, 1:00-2:30, virtual.

Nancy Lynch: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4:00, virtual. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) +final

Aleksander Madry:  6.883 Spec Subj Computer Science

Silvio Micali: Not teaching this semester

Don Minzer: 18.218 Topics in Combinatorics, TR, 9:30-11:00am, Virtual

Ankur Moitra: 18.408 Topics in Theoretical Computer Science, W, 12:00-3:00pm, virtual.

Anand Natarajan: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30pm, virtual. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF4 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or    WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF9 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF EVE (8 PM) (VIRTUAL) or WF EVE (5 PM) (VIRTUAL) +final

Ron Rivest:   6.857 Network & Computer Security, MWF, 11:00-12:30, virtual. Recitation: F11 (VIRTUAL)

Ronitt Rubinfeld:  6.045J Automata Comput & Complexity, TR, 2:30 - 4:00, virtual. Recitation: F11 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) +final

Nir Shavit: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30pm, virtual. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF4 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or    WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF9 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF EVE (8 PM) (VIRTUAL) or WF EVE (5 PM) (VIRTUAL) +final

Peter Shor: 18.424 Seminar in Information Theory, TR, 2:30-4:00pm, virtual

Mike Sipser: Not teaching this semester

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: Not teaching this semester

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30, virtual.  Recitation: F10 (VIRTUAL) or F11 (VIRTUAL) or F12 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) or F2 (VIRTUAL) or F3 (VIRTUAL) or F11 (VIRTUAL) or F12 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) or F EVE (9 PM) (VIRTUAL) +final

Ryan Williams: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4:00, virtual. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) +final


Zachary Abel: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4:00, virtual. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) +final

Mauricio Karchmer: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30pm, virtual. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF4 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or    WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF9 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF EVE (8 PM) (VIRTUAL) or WF EVE (5 PM) (VIRTUAL) +final


Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Fall 2020

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) 

Bonnie Berger:  Not Teaching this Semester

Konstantinos Daskalakis:  6.867 Machine Learning, TR, 2:30-4:00, online

Erik Demaine:  6.849 Geometric Folding Algorithms, W, 2:30-5:00, online.

Alan Edelman:  18.338 Eigenvalues of Random Matrices, MW, 2:30-4:00, online.

Shafi Goldwasser:  6.875J Cryptography & Cryptanaly, TR, 1:00-2:30, online.

Piotr Indyk:  6.UAR Preperation for UG Research,

Yael Kalai:  Not Teaching this Semester

David Karger: 6.854J Advanced Algorithms, MWF, 2:30-4:00, online.

Jon Kelner:  Not Teaching this Semester

Tom Leighton: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 11:00-12:30, online. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) +final

Charles leiserson:  6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, TR, 2:30-4:00, online. Lab: F10-12 (VIRTUAL) or F1-3 (VIRTUAL) or F3-5 (VIRTUAL) or F10-12 (VIRTUAL) or F1-3 (VIRTUAL) or F3-5 (VIRTUAL) or F3-5 (VIRTUAL)

Nancy Lynch: 6.852J Distributed Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30, online.

Aleksander Madry: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30, online. Recitation: F10 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) or F2 (VIRTUAL) or F3 (VIRTUAL) or F10 (VIRTUAL) or F11 (VIRTUAL) or F12 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) +final

Silvio Micali: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11:00am, online.

Ankur Moitra: Not Teaching this Semester

Ron Rivest:

Ronitt Rubinfeld:  6.889 Advanced Topics in Theoretical Computer Science, TR, 1:00-2:30, online.

Nir Shavit: 6.816 Multicore Programming,W, 2:00-5:00, online.

Peter Shor: 18.435J Quantum Computation, MWF, 1pm, online.

Mike Sipser:  6.840J Theory of Computation, TR, 2:30-4:00, online.

Vinod Vaikuntanathan:  6.875J Cryptography & Cryptanaly, TR, 1:00-2:30, online.

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams:  6.S078 Advanced Complexity Theory, MW, 2:30-4:00, online.

Ryan Williams:  6.S078 Advanced Complexity Theory, MW, 2:30-4:00, online.


Zachary Abel: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 11:00-12:30, online. Recitation: WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF10 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) or WF11 (VIRTUAL) or WF12 (VIRTUAL) or WF1 (VIRTUAL) or WF2 (VIRTUAL) or WF3 (VIRTUAL) +final

Mauricio Karchmer: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11:00-12:30, online. Recitation: F10 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) or F2 (VIRTUAL) or F3 (VIRTUAL) or F10 (VIRTUAL) or F11 (VIRTUAL) or F12 (VIRTUAL) or F1 (VIRTUAL) +final



Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Spring 2020

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) 

Bonnie Berger: 18.418 Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, MW, 11:30 - 1pm, Room 2-132.

Konstantinos Daskalakis: Not Teaching This Semester

Erik Demaine: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (36-153) or WF2 (35-308) or WF11 (36-153) or WF12 (36-153) or WF1 (36-153) or WF2 (36-153) or WF3 (36-153) or WF11 (13-5101) or WF12 (24-307) or WF4 (13-5101, 36-153) or WF12 (13-5101) or WF1 (13-5101) or WF2 (13-5101) or WF3 (13-5101) or WF10 (13-5101) or WF12 (35-308) or WF1 (35-308) +final.

Alan Edelman: 18.06 Linear Algebra, MWF, 11-12:30pm, Room 10-250.

Michel Goemans: 18.455 Advanced Combinatorial Optimization, TR, 9:30-11am, Room 4-163.

Shafi Goldwasser:  6.876J Adv Topics in Cryptography, F, 1-3:00pm, Room 9-151.

Piotr Indyk: 6.850 Geometric Computing, Day, Time, and Room are TBA.

Yael Kalai:  6.857 Network & Computer Science, MW, 11-12:30pm, Room 54-100.  Recitation: F, 11-12:30pm, Room 54-100.

                 6.876J Adv Topics in Cryptography, F, 1-3:00pm, Room 9-151.

David Karger: 6.S082 Special Subject in EECS, MW, 2:30-4:00pm, Room 3-270.  Recitation: F, 2:30-4pm, Room 6-120.

Jon Kelner: 18.600 Probability and Random Varibles, MWF, 10 - 11:30am, Room 54-100.

Tom Leighton: Not Teaching This Semester

Charles Leiserson: Not Teaching This Semester

Nancy Lynch: Not Teaching This Semester

Aleksander Madry: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 34-101. Recitation: F10 (36-112) or F11 (36-112) or F12 (36-112) or F1 (36-112) or F2 (36-112) or F3 (36-112) or F11 (26-168) or F12 (26-168) or F1 (26-168) +final.

Silvio Micali:  Not Teaching this Semester

Ankur Moitra: Not Teaching This Semester

Ron Rivest:  6.857 Network & Computer Science, MW, 11-12:30pm, Room 54-100.  Recitation: F, 11-12:30pm, Room 54-100.

Ronitt Rubinfeld: 6.842 Randomness and Computation, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 4-149.

Nir Shavit:  Not Teaching this Semester

Peter Shor: 18.200 Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics, MWF, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 4-237.

Mike Sipser: Not Teaching This Semester

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.876J Adv Topics in Cryptography, F, 1-3:00pm, Room 9-151.

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams: 6.890 Special Subject in CS, TR, 1-2:30pm, Room 35-225.

Ryan Williams: 6.045J Automata Comput & Complexity, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 32-155. Recitation: F11 (66-144) or F1 (4-153) +final.


Zachary Abel: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 34-101.  Recitation: WF10 (38-166) or WF11 (38-166) or WF12 (38-166) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166) or WF10 (36-155) or WF11 (36-155) or WF12 (36-156) or WF1 (36-156) or WF2 (36-156) or WF3 (36-156) +final.

Mauricio Karchmer:  6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 34-101. Recitation: F10 (36-112) or F11 (36-112) or F12 (36-112) or F1 (36-112) or F2 (36-112) or F3 (36-112) or F11 (26-168) or F12 (26-168) or F1 (26-168) +final.

Jason Ku: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100. Recitation: WF10 (36-153) or WF2 (35-308) or WF11 (36-153) or WF12 (36-153) or WF1 (36-153) or WF2 (36-153) or WF3 (36-153) or WF11 (13-5101) or WF12 (24-307) or WF4 (13-5101, 36-153) or WF12 (13-5101) or WF1 (13-5101) or WF2 (13-5101) or WF3 (13-5101) or WF10 (13-5101) or WF12 (35-308) or WF1 (35-308) +final.



Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Fall 2019

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) 

Bonnie Berger: Not Teaching Semester

Konstantinos Daskalakis: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 32-123. Recitation: F10 (3-442) or F11 (4-159, 3-442, 36-156) or F12 (36-156, 4-159) or F1 (4-159, 4-149) or F2 (36-153) or F3 (36-153) or F4 (32-144) +final

Erik Demaine: 6.009 Fundamentals of Programming, M, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100.  Lab: W1-3 (26-100) or F10-12 (3-370) or F9-11 (34-101) or F1-3 (34-101) Recitation: T10 (5-134, 3-442) or T11 (66-168, 4-270) or T12 (5-234, 4-270) or T1 (5-217, 3-442) or T2 (5-134, 3-442) or T3 (5-134, 3-442) or T4 (5-134, 3-442)

Alan Edelman: 6.S898 Special Subject in Computer Science, TF, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 56-167.

Michel Goemans: Not Teaching this Semester

Shafi Goldwasser:  Not Teaching this Semester

Piotr Indyk: 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 32-123. Recitation: F10 (3-442) or F11 (4-159, 3-442, 36-156) or F12 (36-156, 4-159) or F1 (4-159, 4-149) or F2 (36-153) or F3 (36-153) or F4 (32-144) +final

Yael Kalai: 6.875J Cryptography & Cryptanalysis, MW, 1-2:30pm, Room 4-163.

David Karger:  6.854J Advanced Algorithms, MWF, 2:30-4pm, Room 32-123.

Jon Kelner: 18.408 Topics in Theoretical Computer Science, TR, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 2-190

Tom Leighton: Not Teaching Semester

Charles Leiserson: 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 34-101.  Lab: F10-12 (4-265) or F1-3 (34-302) or F3-5 (34-302) or F10-12 (24-307) or F1-3 (34-301) or F3-5 (34-301) or F3-5 (36-155)

Nancy Lynch: Not Teaching this Semester

Aleksander Madry: 6.854J Advanced Algorithms, MWF, 2:30-4pm, Room 32-123.

Silvio Micali:  Not Teaching this Semester

Ankur Moitra: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (26-168) or WF1 (26-168) or WF2 (26-168) or WF3 (26-168) or WF11 (38-166) or WF12 (38-166) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166) or WF11 (26-168) or WF10 (38-166) or WF12 (26-168) +final

Ron Rivest: 6.S898 Special Subject in Computer Science, TF, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 56-167.

Ronitt Rubinfeld: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (26-168) or WF1 (26-168) or WF2 (26-168) or WF3 (26-168) or WF11 (38-166) or WF12 (38-166) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166) or WF11 (26-168) or WF10 (38-166) or WF12 (26-168) +final

Nir Shavit:  Not Teaching this Semester

Peter Shor:  18.424 Seminar in Information Theory, MW, 1-2:30pm, Room 2-151.

                   18.A04 First Year Seminar: Quantum Computing, MW, 3 - 4:30pm, Room 2-146.

Mike Sipser:  6.840J Theory of Computation, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 54-100.  Recitation: F12 (2-139) or F1 (2-139) or F2 (2-139) or F10 (2-139) or F11 (2-139) +final

Vinod Vaikuntanathan (with Alex Lombardi):  6.876 Advanced Topics in Cryptography, F, 1:00 - 4:00pm, Room TBD

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams:  6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (34-304, 34-302, 34-303) or WF11 (34-304, 34-302, 34-303) or WF12 (34-301, 34-304) or WF1 (34-304, 35-310) or WF2 (35-310, 26-204) or WF3 (26-204) or WF4 (26-204) +final

Ryan Williams:  6.841J Advanced Complexity Theory, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 32-144.


Zachary Abel: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (26-168) or WF1 (26-168) or WF2 (26-168) or WF3 (26-168) or WF11 (38-166) or WF12 (38-166) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166) or WF11 (26-168) or WF10 (38-166) or WF12 (26-168) +final

Mauricio Karchmer:  6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 32-123. Recitation: F10 (3-442) or F11 (4-159, 3-442, 36-156) or F12 (36-156, 4-159) or F1 (4-159, 4-149) or F2 (36-153) or F3 (36-153) or F4 (32-144) +final

Jason Ku: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11-12:30pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (34-304, 34-302, 34-303) or WF11 (34-304, 34-302, 34-303) or WF12 (34-301, 34-304) or WF1 (34-304, 35-310) or WF2 (35-310, 26-204) or WF3 (26-204) or WF4 (26-204) +final

Tao Schardl:  6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, TR, 2:30-4pm, Room 34-101.  Lab: F10-12 (4-265) or F1-3 (34-302) or F3-5 (34-302) or F10-12 (24-307) or F1-3 (34-301) or F3-5 (34-301) or F3-5 (36-155)

Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Spring 2019

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) 

Bonnie Berger:  18.418 Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, MW, 11:30 - 1pm, Room 2-132

Constantinos Daskalakis:  6.853 Topis in Algorithmic Game Theory, TR, 2:30 - 4:00pm, Room 54-100

                                      6.890 Learning-Augmented Algorithms, TR, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 35-225

Erik Demaine:  6.892 Algorithm Lower Bounds: Fun with Hardness Proofs, Schedule TBD

Alan Edelman18.06 Linear Algebra, MWF, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 10-250

Michel Goemans:  Not Teaching this Semester

Shafi Goldwasser:  Not Teaching this Semester

Piotr Indyk:  6.890 Learning-Augmented Algorithms, TR, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 35-225

                    6.UAR Preperation for UG Research

Yael Kalai:  6.857 Network & Computer Security, MW, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 54 - 100.  Recitation, F, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 54-100

David Karger:  6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30 - 4pm, Room 34-101. Recitation, Recitation: WF10 (38-166) or WF11 (38-166)    

                      or WF12 (38-166) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3 (38-166) or WF10 (36-155) or WF11 (36-155) or WF12 (36-156)

                      or WF1 (36-156) or WF2 (36-156) or WF3 (36-156) +final

Jon Kelner:  Not Teaching this Semester

Tom Leighton: Not Teaching this Semester

Charles Leiserson:  Not Teaching this Semester

Nancy Lynch:  Not Teaching this Semester

Aleksander Madry:  6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 34-101. Recitation: F10 (36-112) or F11 (36-112) or F12 (36-112) or F1 (36-112) or F2 (36-112) or F3 (36-112) or F11 (26-168) or F12 (26-168) or F1 (26-168) +final

Albert Meyer:  Not Teaching this Semester

Silvio Micali:  Not Teaching this Semester

Ankur Moitra:  Not Teaching this Semester

Ron Rivest: 6.857 Network & Computer Security, MW, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 54 - 100.  Recitation, F, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 54-100

Ronitt Rubinfeld:  6.889 Sublinear Time Algorithms, MW, 1 - 2:30pm, Room 34-301

Nir Shavit:  Not Teaching this Semester

Peter Shor:  Not Teaching this Semester

Mike Sipser: Not Teaching this Semester

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (36-153) or WF4 (36-153) or WF12

                                  (13-5101) or WF1 (13-5101) or WF2 (13-5101) or WF3 (13-5101) or WF10 (13-5101) or WF12 (35-308) or WF1

                                  (35-308) or WF2 (35-308) or WF11 (36-153) or WF12 (36-153) or WF1 (36-153) or WF2 (36-153) or WF3 (36-153) or

                                  WF11 (13-5101) or WF12 (24-307) or WF4 (13-5101) +final

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams:  6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (36-153) or WF4 (36-153) or

                                             WF12 (13-5101) or WF1 (13-5101) or WF2 (13-5101) or WF3 (13-5101) or WF10 (13-5101) or WF12 (35-308)

                                             or WF1 (35-308) or WF2 (35-308) or WF11 (36-153) or WF12 (36-153) or WF1 (36-153) or WF2 (36-153) or

                                             WF3 (36-153) or WF11 (13-5101) or WF12 (24-307) or WF4 (13-5101) +final

Ryan Williams:  6.045J Automata Computability & Complexity, TR, 2:30 - 4pm, Room 32-155.  Recitation, F11 (36-144) or F12 (26-328) or F1

                       (26-328) +final


Zachary Abel: 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30 - 4pm, Room 34-101, 6.042J Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30 - 4pm, Room

                     34-101. Recitation, Recitation: WF10 (38-166) or WF11 (38-166) or WF12 (38-166) or WF1 (38-166) or WF2 (38-166) or WF3

                     (38-166) or WF10 (36-155) or WF11 (36-155) or WF12 (36-156) or WF1 (36-156) or WF2 (36-156) or WF3 (36-156) +final

Mauricio Karchmer:  6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 34-101. Recitation: F10 (36-112) or F11 (36-112) or F12 (36-112) or F1 (36-112) or F2 (36-112) or F3 (36-112) or F11 (26-168) or F12 (26-168) or F1 (26-168) +final

Jason Ku:  6.006 Intro to Algorithms, TR, 11 - 12:30pm, Room 26-100.  Recitation: WF10 (36-153) or WF4 (36-153) or WF12

                (13-5101) or WF1 (13-5101) or WF2 (13-5101) or WF3 (13-5101) or WF10 (13-5101) or WF12 (35-308) or WF1

                (35-308) or WF2 (35-308) or WF11 (36-153) or WF12 (36-153) or WF1 (36-153) or WF2 (36-153) or WF3 (36-153) or WF11

                (13-5101) or WF12 (24-307) or WF4 (13-5101) +final

Tao Schardl:  Not Teaching this Semester



Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Fall 2018

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description) 

Bonnie Berger:  Not Teaching this Semester

Constantinos Daskalakis:  6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Lecture: TR, 11-12.30 (32-123) Recitation: F10 (4-149) or F3 (36-153) or F11 (4-159, 4-149, 36-156) or F12 (36-156, 4-159) or F1 (4-159, 4-149) or F2 (36-153) +final

Erik Demaine:  6.006  Intro to Algorithms, Lecture: TR, 11:00 - 12:30, Room  26-100, Recitation: WF10 (34-304, 34-302, 26-310) or WF11 (34-304, 34-302, 36-155) or WF12 (34-301, 34-304) or WF1 (34-304, 35-310) or WF2 (35-310, 26-204) or WF3 (26-204) or WF4 (26-204) +final

Alan Edelman: 18.337J: Numerical Computing and Interactive Software, MW, 2:30 - 4:00, Room 4-237

Michel Goemans:  Not Teaching this Semester

Shafi Goldwasser:  Not Teaching this Semester

Piotr Indyk:  Not Teaching this Semester

Yael Kalai:  Not Teaching this Semester

David Karger:  6.854J Advanced Algorithms, MWF, 2:30 - 4:00, Room 2-190

Jon Kelner:  Not Teaching this Semester

Tom Leighton:  6.042J:  Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4:00, Room 54-100

Charles Leiserson:  6.172 (6.871) Performance Engineering of Software Systems

Nancy Lynch:  6.852J Distributed Algorithms, TR, 11:00 - 12:30, Room 32-141

Aleksander Madry:  6.854J Advanced Algorithms, MWF, 2:30 - 4:00, Room 2-190

Albert Meyer:  Not Teaching this Semester

Silvio Micali:  Not Teaching this Semester

Ankur Moitra:  6.042J:  Math for Computer Science, TR, 2:30-4:00, Room 54-100

Ron Rivest: Not Teaching this Semester

Ronitt Rubinfeld:  6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Lecture: TR, 11-12.30 (32-123) Recitation: F10 (4-149) or F3 (36-153) or F11 (4-159, 4-149, 36-156) or F12 (36-156, 4-159) or F1 (4-159, 4-149) or F2 (36-153) +final

Nir Shavit:  Not Teaching this Semester

Peter Shor:  Not Teaching this Semester

Mike Sipser:  6.840J: Theory of Computation, TR, 2:30 - 4:00, Room 2-190

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.876J Adv Topics in Cryptography, T, 10:00 - 1:00, Room 34-303

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams:  Not Teaching this Semester

Ryan Williams:  Not Teaching this Semester


Zachary Abel: 6.006  Intro to Algorithms, Lecture: TR, 11:00 - 12:30, Room  26-100, Recitation: WF10 (34-304, 34-302, 26-310) or WF11 (34-304, 34-302, 36-155) or WF12 (34-301, 34-304) or WF1 (34-304, 35-310) or WF2 (35-310, 26-204) or WF3 (26-204) or WF4 (26-204) +final

Jason Ku:  6.006  Intro to Algorithms, Lecture: TR, 11:00 - 12:30, Room  26-100, Recitation: WF10 (34-304, 34-302, 26-310) or WF11 (34-304, 34-302, 36-155) or WF12 (34-301, 34-304) or WF1 (34-304, 35-310) or WF2 (35-310, 26-204) or WF3 (26-204) or WF4 (26-204) +final

Tao Schardl:  Not Teaching this Semester

Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Spring 2018

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Course Description)

Bonnie Berger: 18.418: Topics in Computational Molecular Biology, MW, 11:30 - 1, Room 2-132

Constantinos Daskalakis: 6.883: Supervised Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice, MW, 2:30 - 4, Room 24-115

Erik Demaine: 6.009: Fundamentals of Programming, Lecture: T9.30-11 (34-101) Lab: F9-11 (4-370) or F10-12 (3-270) or F1-3    (32-141) or F1-3 (4-370) Recitation: W9-11 (26-100) or W10-12 (4-159) or W1-3 (4-370, 54-100)

Alan Edelman: 18.338: Eigenvalues of random Matrices, MW, 2 - 3:30, Room 2-146

Michel Goemans: 18.200: Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics, MWF, 3 - 4:30, Room 2-190

Shafi Goldwasser:  Not Teaching this Semester

Piotr Indyk: 6.850: Geometric Computing, TR, 1 - 2:30, Room 32-124

Yael Kalai: 6.857: Network & Computer Security, MW, 11-12:30, Room 54-100; Recitation, F 11-12:30, Room 32-123

David Karger: 6.813 (6.831): User Interface Design and Implementation, MWF, 1 - 2:30, Room 34-101

Jon Kelner: 18.408: Topics in Theoretical Computer Science, TR, 2:30 - 4, Room 4-237

Tom Leighton: Not Teaching this Semester

Charles Leiserson: Not Teaching this Semester

Nancy Lynch: Not Teaching this Semester

Aleksander Madry: 6.046J:  Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Lecture: TR11-12.30 (34-101) Recitation: F10 (36-112) or F11 (36-112) or F12 (36-112) or F1 (36-112) or F2 (36-112) or F3 (36-112) or F11 (26-168) or F12 (26-168) or F1 (26-168) +final

                                6.883: Supervised Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice, MW, 2:30 - 4, Room 24-115

Albert Meyer: 6.042J:  Math for Computer Science, MWF1-2.30 (32-082, 32-044) or MWF2.30-4 (32-044, 32-124)

Silvio Micali: Not Teaching this Semester

Ankur Moitra: 18.200: Principles of Discrete Applied Mathematics, MWF, 3 - 4:30, Room 2-190

Ron Rivest: 6.857: Network & Computer Security, MW, 11-12:30, Room 54-100; Recitation, F 11-12:30, Room 32-123

Ronitt Rubinfeld: 6.045J:  Automata Comput & Complexity, TR2.30-4 (32-155) Recitation: F11 (36-144) or F12 (26-328) or F1 (26-328)

Nir Shavit: 6.006: Intro to Algorithms, Lecture: TR11 (26-100) Recitation: WF10 (36-153) or WF12 (4-145) or WF1 (35-308) or WF2 (35-308) or WF11 (36-153) or WF12 (36-153) or WF1 (36-153) or WF2 (36-153) or WF3 (36-153) or WF4 (36-153) or WF12 (26-314) or WF1 (26-314) or WF2 (13-5101) or WF3 (13-5101) +final

Peter Shor: 18.424: Seminar in Information Theory, TR, 1 - 2:30, Room 2-132

Mike Sipser: Not Teaching this Semester

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.875J: Cryptography & Cryptanaly, MW, 9:30 - 11, Room 4-370

Virginia Vassilevska-Williams: 6.S078: Fixed Parameter and Fine-grained Computation, MW, 2:30 - 4, Room 36-156

Ryan Williams: 6.S078: Fixed Parameter and Fine-grained Computation, MW, 2:30 - 4, Room 36-156


Zachary Abel: 6.042J:  Math for Computer Science, MWF1-2.30 (32-082, 32-044) or MWF2.30-4 (32-044, 32-124)

Jason Ku: 6.006: Intro to Algorithms, Lecture: TR11 (26-100) Recitation: WF10 (36-153) or WF12 (4-145) or WF1 (35-308) or WF2 (35-308) or WF11 (36-153) or WF12 (36-153) or WF1 (36-153) or WF2 (36-153) or WF3 (36-153) or WF4 (36-153) or WF12 (26-314) or WF1 (26-314) or WF2 (13-5101) or WF3 (13-5101) +final

Tao Schardl: Not Teaching this Semester

Who Is Teaching What in the TOC Group Fall 2017

Also: (EECS) (Math) (Spring 2017) (Fall 2016) (Spring 2016) (Fall 2015) (Spring 2015) (Fall 2014) (Spring 2014) (Fall 2013) (Spring 2013)  (Other Semesters)

Bonnie Berger: 

Constantinos Daskalakis: 

Erik Demaine: 6.851: Advanced Data Structures, W EVE 7-9.30 PM, 32-082

Alan Edelman: 6.338J: Parallel Computing, MW2.30-4, room 4-237 

Michel Goemans: 

Shafi Goldwasser:  

Piotr Indyk: 6.889: Sketching and Streaming Algorithms for Big Data, TR2:30-4pm, room 32-124

Yael Kalai: 

David Karger: 6.854J: Advanced Algorithms, MWF2.30-4, room 32-141

Jon Kelner: 18.600: Probability and Random Variables: MWF 10-11am, room 54-100

Tom Leighton: 

Charles Leiserson: 6.172 (6.871) Performance of Engineering of Software Systems, TR2.30-4, room 34-101

Nancy Lynch: 

Aleksander Madry: 

Albert Meyer: 6.042J:  Math for Computer Science, MWF1-2.30 (32-044) or MWF2.30-4 (32-044, 32-082)

Silvio Micali: 6.006: Intro to Algorithms, TR11, room 26-100

Ankur Moitra: 18.408: Topics in Theoretical Computer Science, MW 1-2:30pm, room 2-131

Ron Rivest: 

Ronitt Rubinfeld: 6.842: Randomness and Computation, MW11-12.30, room 4-261

Nir Shavit: 6.885: Multicore Programming in DEF, Tues. 2-5pm, 37-212

Peter Shor: 18.435J: Quantum Computation, TR 1-2:30pm, room 4-370

Mike Sipser: 6.840J/18.404: Theory of Computation, TR 2:30-4pm, room room 2-190

Vinod Vaikuntanathan: 6.876J: Advanced Topics in Cryptography, MW2.30-4, room 24-115

Virginia Williams: 6.046J: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, TR11-12.30, room 32-123

Ryan Williams: 6.841J: Advanced Complexity Theory, TR2.30-4, room 32-144


Zachary Abel: 6.042J: Math for Computer Science, MWF1-2.30 (32-044) or MWF2.30-4 (32-044, 32-082)

Jason Ku: 6.006: Intro to Algorithms, TR11, room 26-100

Tao Schardl: 6.172: Performance Engineering of Software Systems, TR2.30-4, room 34-101