Sept 21: |
Mikkel Thorup, AT&T Labs-Research Sampling to Estimate Arbitrary Subset Sums |
Thursday Sept 23: |
Room 32-D463 (Star), 4:15 PM Andrew Goldberg, Microsoft Research Computing Shortest Paths: A* Search Meets Triangle Inequality |
Sept 28: |
Mike Mahoney, Yale University Fast Monte Carlo Algorithms for Massive Data Sets and Approximating Max-Cut |
Oct 5: |
Iordanis Kerenidis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Quantum Encodings and Applications to Communication Complexity and Locally Decodable Codes |
Friday Oct 8: |
Room 32-G575 at 10:30 AM Danielle Micciancio, University of California San Diego Worst-Case to Average-Case Reductions Based on Gaussian Measures |
Oct 12: |
Eli Ben-Sasson, Harvard University Short and Simple PCPs with Poly-Log Rate and Query Complexity |
Oct 19: |
Julia Chuzhoy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Hardness of Metric Labeling |
Nov 2: |
Erik D. Demaine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fast Algorithms for Hard Graph Problems: Bidimensionality, Minors, and Local Treewidth |
Nov 9: |
Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft Toward Privacy in Public Databases |
Nov 12: |
Guy Kortsarz, Rutgers University Approximating Directed Multicut and Related Problems |
Nov 30: |
Alex Russell, University of Connecticut Nonabelian PCPs and the Complexity of Solving Equations over Finite Groups |
Dec 7: |
Dimitris Achlioptas, Microsoft A new Look at the Second Moment Method |
Dec 8: |
Robert Krauthgamer, IBM A Metric Notion of Dimension and its Algorithmic Applications |