Abstract: Characterizing the limits of achievable security using the
most conservative hardness of computation assumptions is one of the
fundamental principles of cryptographic research. For instance,
guaranteeing output delivery to honest parties when adversarial parties
may abort prematurely during the protocol execution is significantly challenging.
Against such powerful adversaries, the hardness of computation assumptions
necessary and sufficient to achieve various security levels is relatively
not well understood.
In the early 1980s, groundbreaking research introduced coin-tossing protocols
using private-key cryptographic primitives to ensure that an adversary can change
the honest party's output distribution by at most 1/sqrt(r) in r-round protocols. Two
decades later, a sequence of seminal results, relying on strong public-key cryptographic
primitives, constructed protocols where an adversary can change the output distribution
only by 1/r, which coincides with the optimal achievable security.
In light of these results, it is natural to wonder whether public-key cryptographic primitives
are necessary to achieve this higher security threshold. Furthermore, do the coin-tossing
protocols from the 1980s achieve the best possible security relying on private-key cryptographic
primitives? This talk shall present recent results resolving these long-standing foundational
problems in cryptography.
The key technical innovation is a potential-based proof-technique introduced in a sequence
of our recent works.