Siddhartha Jayanti: Concurrent Disjoint Set Union Friday, October 27, 2017 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm A famous result in sequential data structures that the Union-Find object can be implemented in amortized inverse-Ackermann work per operation. |
Slobodan Mitrovic: MapReduce and approximate Maximal Matchings Friday, October 6, 2017 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm The last decade has witnessed the success of a number of massive parallel computation (MPC) frameworks, such as MapReduce, Hadoop, Dryad, or Spark. |
Dominik Pajak: Speedup in Graph Exploration with Multiple Walkers Friday, September 22, 2017 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm Multiple walks in graph move in parallel across the edges of an initially unknown graph without central control with the goal of visiting all the vertices. |
Kishori Konwar and Prakash Nayarana Moorthy: A Layered Architecture for Erasure-Coded Consistent Distributed Storage Friday, April 7, 2017 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm Motivated by emerging applications to the \emph{edge computing} paradigm, we introduce a two-layer erasure-coded fault-tolerant distributed storage system offering atomic access for read and write operations. |
Johannes Bill: Unsupervised learning in spiking neural networks with memristor synapses Friday, March 24, 2017 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm Abstract: In an increasingly data-rich world, brain-inspired computing concepts operating neuromorphic hardware have shown great promise for processing large datasets within tight volume and power budgets. |
Nicholas Schiefer: Computation and Construction in the Chemical Reaction Network-Controlled Tile Assembly Model Friday, December 9, 2016 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm Tile-based self-assembly and chemical reaction networks provide two well-studied models of scalable molecular computation. |
Hsin-Hao Su: Distributed Degree Splitting, Edge Coloring, and Orientations Friday, December 2, 2016 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm We consider a family of closely-related distributed graph problems, which we call degree splitting, where roughly speaking the objective is to partition (or orient) the edges such that each node's degree is split almost unifo |
Fernando Benavides: Introduction to Discrete Morse Theory for Distributed Computing Wednesday, November 16, 2016 - 11:00am to 12:30pm Explain what is discrete Morse theory and how to use it to analyse distributed read/write wait-free algorithms. |
Nisha Panwar: On the Fly Authentication in Vehicular Networks Tuesday, November 1, 2016 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm Autonomous vehicles will establish a spontaneous connection over a wireless radio channel while coordinating actions and information. |
Merav Parter and Cameron Musco: Computational Tradeoffs in Biological Neural Networks: Self-Stabilizing Winner-Take-All Networks Friday, October 21, 2016 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm We initiate a line of investigation into biological neural networks from an algorithmic perspective. |