Neil Thompson

Neil Thompson's picture
Sloan, CSAIL

2018 Best Paper Award, DRUID Conference

2018 Best Case Award for “Bringing New Technology to Market” (EFMD)

2017 #3 most-downloaded paper, Q3 2017 (SSRN)                                       

2016 Wharton Reimagine Education: Stars Hybrid Learning Bronze Award

2016 Best paper finalist, DRUID Conference

2012 Academy of Management Best Paper award

2012 Robert Noyce Fellowship

2007 Winner, Greatest Team Impact for the Client (Bain & Company)

2003 British Council Chevening Scholar



I am a Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab and a Visiting Professor at the Lab for Innovation Science at Harvard.

I am also an Associate Member of the Broad Institute, and was previously an Assistant Professor of Innovation and Strategy at the MIT Sloan School of Management, where I co-directed the Experimental Innovation Lab (X-Lab). I have advised businesses and government on the future of Moore’s Law and have been on National Academies panels on transformational technologies and scientific reliability.

I did my PhD in Business and Public Policy at Berkeley, where I also did Masters degrees in Computer Science and Statistics. I have a masters in Economics from the London School of Economics, and undergraduate degrees in Physics and International Development. Prior to academia, I worked at organizations such as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Bain and Company, The United Nations, the World Bank, and the Canadian Parliament.